Spring Webinar Series

Clinical Track

Session 5: Inclusive, Affirming, and Trauma-informed Care for LGBTQIA+ Communities


This session provides an overview of LGBTQIA+ health disparities, demographics, and terminology, as well as key strategies for bringing high quality care to LGBTQIA+ people at health centers and other health care organizations. Strategies for collection of sexual orientation and gender identity data in clinical settings will be addressed. Participants will also learn about creating LGBTQIA+ inclusive and trauma-informed environments of care and about the intersections of LGBTQIA+ health, population health and team-based care.

Meet the Instructor
Alex Keuroghlian

Alex Keuroghlian MD MPH 

Dr. Keuroghlian is Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School (HMS) and Director of the Division of Education and Training at The Fenway Institute. He directs the National LGBTQIA+ Health Education Center at The Fenway Institute, a HRSA BPHC-funded cooperative agreement to improve care for LGBTQIA+ people across the U.S., as well as the HRSA HAB-funded 2iS Coordinating Center for Technical Assistance. He established the Massachusetts General Hospital Psychiatry Gender Identity Program and is clerkship director for two senior electives in sexual and gender minority health at HMS, where he also co-directs the HMS Sexual and Gender Minority Health Equity Initiative, which leads longitudinal medical curriculum and faculty development in sexual and gender minority health. 

Who Should Take This Course

Recommended for Clinical staff of BH provider organizations.

Course Facts

Dates: Fri, April 29th

Time: 11:00 am- 12:00 pm PT

Subject: Inclusive, Affirming, and Trauma-informed Care for LGBTQIA+ Communities

Cost: $30

Course Type: Pre-recorded 60 minute long live webcast

Credit: Eligible for 1 CEU through MHACBO